NDA Coaching In Allahabad

NDA Coaching In Allahabad is the judicial capital of Uttar Pradesh with Allahabad High Court being the highest judicial body in the state.

The city known for its famous Triveni Sangam, “three-river confluence” original name – Prayag “Place of sacrifice”

Trishul Defence Academy is the oldest academy of Defence and the first academy of Allahabad its vision  and mission is to make upcoming aspirants to join Indian Armed Force.

In Trishul Defence Academy those who aim to become officer & Solider in Indian Armed Force are provided with all the facilities to make his dream come true.

Steps to qualify NDA (National Defence Academy)


The first and foremost step is to qualify written examination which is of total 900 marks paper are divided in two parts 1st paper is of Mathematics and 2nd Paper is of Reasoning Ability & General Ability (RAGA) Indian Armed has three wings Indian Army, Navy & Airforce students at the time of filing form may choose their preference to which wing he is going to opt after clearance of NDA for that following score has to be gained for Indian Army 280 to 320 for Navy 400 to 450 for Air Force 500 to 550 for clearing the written criteria of NDA.

SSB Interview:-

After clearing Written Examination students get the chance for SSB Interview which is of 5 days interview conducted by Indian Armed Force to check Officer Like Quality in a particular candidate from Day 1 to Day 5 SSB Interview has its own selection process followed by full 5 days.

Day 1 has Screening Test

Day 2 has Psychological Test

Day 3 has GTO Test

Day 4 has Personal Interview and Group Discussion

Day 5 is the Result Day or Conference Day.

3 officers takes the SSB Interview

  • Interviewing Officer
  • Psychological Officer
  • GTO Officer

In NDA Coaching In Allahabad (Trishul Defence Academy)  SSB Interview guidance given by Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra Sir (Ex NDA, Ex GTO) who himself was GTO Officer and when he was in Indian Airforce he used to take SSB Interview for the upcoming aspirants his 15 years experience of SSB is the boon for the aspirants to take his guidance.

What we offer in Trishul Defence Academy Allahabad?

In Trishul Defence Academy Allahabad we offer world class facilities and a well furnished Infrastructure:-

  • We will prepare students for NDA Written + Spoken English + SSB Interview.
  • The course duration will be of 1 Year/ 6 Months
  • Monday to Saturday 3 hours classes
  • Sunday is dedicated to physical fitness training and Unit Tests.
  • The Highly Qualified well trained teacher.
  • Medium of Teaching English/Hindi Both.
  • Doubt Removal Counters for every respective classes.
  • SSB Interview guidance given by Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra (Ex NDA, Ex GTO)
  • Motivational Seminar which are taken by serving officer held once in a month.

Trishul Defence Academy

Allahabad/ Prayagraj Head Office Address: Gaytri Dham Behind Max Mall Milan Tower

Conatct No: 8400083030

Branch Office:

Bareilly Address:

Ranchi Address:

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